Library Lockers-URSA 2024

July 14, 2024 Chris Haught 0

Getting students to connect with literature or history can be challenging, but if you have immersive hands-on activities designed to content standards, students will beg […]

Library Lockers

March 15, 2024 Chris Haught 4

Getting students to connect with literature or history can be challenging, but if you have immersive hands-on activities designed to content standards, students will beg […]

Canva for Secretaries

May 30, 2023 Chris Haught 0

Canva has become hugely popular with teachers for creating classroom resources, join us as we explore how secretaries can utilize the Free for Educators Canva! […]

Scrible-UCET 2022

March 12, 2022 Chris Haught 0

Media Literacy, Information Fluency and Scrible! What do they have in common? Find out how these topics come together to help students become better researchers […]