Chromebooks and Research


Thanks for having us at East Elementary to discuss ways to use Chromebooks in your classroom!

Let’s start by discussing expectations and ways to keep students “out of trouble” when using their Chromebooks!

Check out this video.

What rules will you have in your class?

Now that the students know the expectations for handling the Chromebooks, what are the students going to use them for?

Clint showed you how to use Google Classroom

See what Clint says about Chromecast and Quizzes!

Research Tools that students can learn to use

See why we shouldn’t always Google it! Google vs Databases

What are Databases? Let’s check out Utah’s Online Library!

Can they write a book? See our Research 2 Write project.



About Chris Haught 180 Articles
Chris is the Media Mentor at SEDC, she loves to help students, librarians and teachers to discover new ways to use technology to enhance their learning.

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