Noodle Tools

NoodleTools is an online research management platform that promotes critical thinking and authentic research. Students stay organized as they evaluate information, build accurate citations, archive source material, take notes, outline topics, and prepare to write.

Three differentiated levels support individual students across grades and abilities. The classroom environment allows librarians and teachers to provide feedback, monitor individual contributions to group work, and view statistics about source use. In contrast to an auto-cite, auto-evaluate product, we support students to engage deeply in research and produce original work. NoodleTools is also designed with online student privacy in mind.

Just a few of the features:

Note taking-Create, Share, Summerize

Citations-Create, Import and analyze

Sharing and Collaborating

About Chris Haught 180 Articles
Chris is the Media Mentor at SEDC, she loves to help students, librarians and teachers to discover new ways to use technology to enhance their learning.

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