The New Koha is here!

Our team at SEDC has been working hard over the past few years to upgrade Koha to a more secure version. This was a two part project.

Part One was upgrading the databases and installing new features that have been long requested by the region’s librarians. Thanks to Scott and McKay for their hard work on this.

Part Two was writing LSTA Grants to fund the clean up and conversion of the MARC records to RDA format using BestMarc by Mitinet. This cleaned up many years of duplicate and poor MARC records, increasing the functionality of the search functions in the OPAC and providing a much better experience for patrons.

In 2021, we piloted it in Garfield School District, the librarians there were most helpful in providing feedback and fine tuning the new features such as self checkout for students, student log in for search and creating lists, automated sync and genre shelving.

In 2022, we added Kane School District and will add more districts in 2023.

We appreciate the support and patience of our regional librarians!

About Chris Haught 180 Articles
Chris is the Media Mentor at SEDC, she loves to help students, librarians and teachers to discover new ways to use technology to enhance their learning.

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