

1509654_704788819564921_165439988_nThis regional eBook project called eSTRIDE  provide anytime, anywhere, engaging library resources for these under served students by delivering eBooks for 9th-12th grade students and teachers in the region. Approximately 10,000 students and teachers  have access to these e-resources through the LSTA Grant.  After the first year, the participating schools and the regional office will provide sustained funding to continue eBook collection development. We are currently in the process of writing a second grant that, if funded, will allow us to expand the library to include middle school students.

 One thing that has frustrated librarians is the vast amount of ebooks available, the multitude of different formats, and how to manage them on different devices, eSTRIDE provides a stable platform, and the students have become adept using their own devices.  Pre and Post surveys show that up to 88% of students have their own devices.

Other possible future uses:

  • Textbooks (both purchased and OER)
  • Professional Development Books (shared across districts)
  • Classroom sets (could be shared across schools, district or region)
  • Non Fiction, Videos
  • Expand to elementary schools
  • Uploading student created work
  • Uploading OER Resources


There are many sites offering free ebooks, most notably the Project Gutenburg , which is available in eSTRIDE. Ebooks   National Geographic     Read by Celebrities 

Book Clubs

About Chris Haught 180 Articles
Chris is the Media Mentor at SEDC, she loves to help students, librarians and teachers to discover new ways to use technology to enhance their learning.

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